Our professional and loving team of pet stylists provides a complete grooming service for all dogs.
Hydra Bath (dogs)
Flea & Tick Rinse
Ear Wash
Toe Nails Clipped
A complete makeover to pamper your furry friend. Enquire about our pick-up and delivery service.
Appointments are necessary so make your booking now…Your pet will love Tropical Pet Resort
Our fully qualified and very experienced staff are here to help!!
7 Grasstree Close, Black River 4818
Ph: 0402 406 892
Email: dog.tsv@bigpond.com
BUSINESS HOURS - Drop off/collection times:
Mon - Fri: 9.30am -11am, and 3-4.30pm.
Sat: 9-11am
Sun: 4-5.00pm- only if required and must be pre-arranged.
Current vaccination certificates (mandatory)
Favourite toys
Special rugs etc
Any medications
Please note:
If we are required to open outside of the above times a $150.00 fee is applicable,
unless prior arrangements have been made.
Christmas / New Year hours opening hours vary.
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